A Timeless Journey to the Mother -( Most of the Advanced people in Ancient cultre across the world prayed to a goddess ( Mother) and lighted Fire and Prayed to her to protect the Human Civilisation even before the first religion came to earth .
The Truth is that we still Prays and see her in different angle )Now read on .....Long long ago our ancestors fashioned sacred images of the Great Mother Goddess. Their hands shaped Her ample form, a symbol of abundance, protection and security. She was the deity worshipped around the world, before history, before cities, before all others, we honored Her. Ancient caves are filled with images and symbols of the Ancient Goddess. Painted and carved caves have been found in France, Italy, Africa, Spain, Australia, Yugoslavia, Mexico, Switzerland, Russia, the Middle East, Greece, and Asia. Each year, more caves emerge from the long forgotten darkness of obscurity.
Ancient MotherMiracle bringer of birthBringer of food and shelterAncient One who is AllGuide us to rememberHelp us to be truly humanTeach us to stand in Awe of lifeTo honor the miracle of it allWe hear you in the windWe feel you in the rain and mistWe see you in a flame's flickering lightLet us build your Grotto in our hearts In coming to honor the Ancient Goddess, we honor our own common human heritage. As we move into the future, we must fully understand that we are all of one origin, one family, one race, the human race. The commonality of our ancestors' beliefs and rituals for living, hunting, worshipping give us powerful clues to the universality of the human spirit. Long before there were idealogical divisions, there were shared beliefs and symbols. The power of the Great Mother was alive in the ancient human heart. They saw Her in the world around them. She was both benevolent and fierce, honored and feared. Life for humans has always been challenging, and it still is today. We no longer fear the cave bear, the dangers we fear are often not those posed by wild nature, but those posed by civilization. It is in reclaiming a reverence for Nature and common human symbols that we will reclaim the sanity within our own culture. The Ancient Goddess will show us the way, all we need to do is listen for Her in the wind, the rain, and the stillness of Nature. She lives in the forests, the desserts, the mountains, the ocean, the rivers, the cities, and the fields. Listen......She is speaking.For re-membering, it is often helpful to light a candle/ Diya and gaze into the flame. Firelight is as old as human history. When the flickering light of a candle is percieved by your brain, it opens passage ways and paths to long forgotten genetic memories. May the firelight renew our memory of the Ancient Goddess.
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